What the Health

CPR, DNR and Death in the ER

“People think death is the hardest part of my job, but it’s actually being forced to keep someone’s body alive far past the possibility for any meaningful recovery. There are worse fates than death.” – Anonymous RN As an ER/Trauma RN, I have experienced death more times than I can count or care to recall. …

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“Tell Me Baby”: Advice for Brand-New Nurses

As the temperatures start to cool off and the kiddos all go back to school, the season for freshly graduated nurses starting out their careers has also commenced. You guys have worked WICKED HARD for YEARS at this point and you deserve a huge congrats!! You should be so proud of yourselves and know that …

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What the Health

OMG, You SO Don’t Need Botox!

When I talk about the subject of Botox and express my love of it, people often respond with “You’re crazy! You don’t need Botox!” And they’re right. There is one huge reason why I do not, in fact, need Botox: I ALREADY HAVE IT! I started getting treatments when I turned 30 earlier this year …

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What the Health

I Believe You: The Neurobiology Behind Sexual Assault

Definition of “sexual assault” (noun): illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicted upon a person who is incapable of giving consent (as because of age or physical or mental incapacity) or who places the assailant in a position of trust or authority In recognition of April being …

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